a. we sat beside each other during a Celadon general assembly
b. our families have known each other since our childhood days
c. she had no choice but to talk to me when I repeatedly asked her what her name was during Filipino class
2. Who did we dislike most during our sophomore year?
a. our Filipino teacher
b. our Accounting professor
c. "buhangin" (English translation please)
3. What does the acronym ELF stand for?
a. ever loving fan
b. exciting, loyal friend
c. ever lovable friend
4. Which gift from Val do I treasure the most?
a. a small wooden box filled with paper hearts that she folded herself, with a friendship bracelet hidden underneath the hearts
b. blank birthday cards
c. all of the above
5. How long have we been friends?
a. eight years
b. nine years
c. too long
6. What makes Val a great friend?
a. her loyalty, sense of humor, love for adventure, passion, creativity
b. ability to enjoy the simple things in life, dedication, her lambings
c. all of the above
7. How old will Val be turning today?
a. 25
b. 31
c. 20 :)
8. What wishes do I have for Val?
a. for all her dreams and wishes to come true
b. good life, good lovelife, good career
c. all of the above
Correct answers = initial of my name
Happy Birthday Valerie!

:hug: sweet post...
ReplyDelete...a small wooden box filled with paper *hearts*?! hmmm...how many vals do you know? :wink: