Aling Nita was inconsolable upon learning the news. She was crying when I left in the morning, and was still miserable when I came home at night. She laments that she now has no one to talk to. Come to think of it, Law Pan really was her only friend.
I wish I had pictures of Law Pan to post here. He was really a "gwapo" dog, with snow white fur that needed minimum attention. Sadly (and oddly), we do not have pictures of him. We have pictures of all our dogs, except Law Pan's. Haaaaay.....

It's ironic that Chi-chi is in this state, considering that I work for a company where most of the members of the sales team are veterinarians or animal nutritionists. And I feel that I should do something about it.
So I plan to put Chi-chi, and another still healthy puppy in a cage. So that they won't drink the water coming from our chemical production area.
Will post pics of Chi-chi monthly.
Woke up around 2:30am a while ago because Chan-chan kept licking my face. Okay.. gross for non dog lovers out there. Sensing something was wrong, I sat up and searched my bed for any sign of canine excrement. None. Hmmm... what could be wrong? She (Chan-chan) isn't usually that malambing. So I turned on my night lamp, and saw that Chan-chan threw up.. a little damp spot right at the foot of my bed. Aaaaargh. If she had peed on my bed, I would probably have spanked her. But she threw up, and that must mean she felt sick. I checked if she was feverish but she wasn't. Must have been a stomach upset. My sheets have just been changed, so I was hesitant about having it changed again. I entertained the thought of just letting the damp spot dry by itself, but it was just too gross for me. So there I was, at 2:30 in the morning, washing my blanket in my sink. Chan-chan followed me to the bathroom, and waited in one corner, while I washed and scrubbed the offending spot. Licking my face must have been her way of waking me up to apologize for the throw up.
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