Wedding date -- none
Church -- none
Reception venue -- none
Have we done a good job of planning? I always thought one year of planning and preparing for the wedding will be enough time for us. The date we chose (May 14, 2006) is sure to be a hot day; temperatures might reach 40 degrees Celsius or even higher. So we want a church with good air conditioning. Apparently, other couples had the same idea, because the air conditioned churches (our requirement) with long aisles (my mom's requirement) are booked on May 14 (MIL2B's requirement).
So now I know why event planning is such a lucrative business. It's hard enough planning for a wedding alone, it's even harder planning for it with our parents. I tell you, getting three couples to agree on one tiny detail is a task that should be done only by a very, very, very patient person, who, in this case, is not me. The way I see it with the three couples planning the wedding -- one couple gets their way, another couple feels ignored / hurt, and the other couple (usually us) feels guilty for not pleasing both sides.

But back to reality. This is a Chinese wedding. And it is unheard of for Chinese weddings to be (gasp) intimate.
Ok lang yan kt, sigurado ka naman na may wedding cake eh :)