Two years of being together. More like three, if you count the days when you were still madly pursuing and courting me. Hehehehe....
You often tell me how bad an impression my faithful blog readers must have of you because of my not-so-subtle posts about your unmushiness and all.
So let me set the record straight.
I still don't know why we click so well together. I still don't know why we laugh with and at each other so much. Chinese astrology says that we're supposed to be fighting like cats and dogs all the time. Even Yahoo astrology says that we need to work extra hard on our relationship. Maybe I should check out the numerology part too? :) I really can't say what it is exactly that makes us click together.
But one thing I'm sure of...
You're the best thing that ever happened to me.
I don't need the flowers -- flowers die after a week. The chocolates -- marami ka nang binigay.
I need someone who knows just what to say when I'm feeling low and blue. I need someone to bear with me when I'm being bitchy or just PMS-y. I need someone to watch chick flicks with me just because I'm in the mood for it. Or someone to drive from Makati to Greenhills to Makati again because I'm in the mood for some really good ensaymada.
In short, I need you. :)
Belated happy birthday!

(Ryan Cabrera's TRUE playing in my mind now)
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