I have a household issue that has been bugging me for several months now.
You see, our four househelps are going on a vacation, all at the same time, come December 17. Why are they leaving all at the same time, you may ask. Well, because they're all related to each other. A big no-no, I know. But that time I hired them, I was heavily pregnant with my third, and that was my only option. I assumed that they would all have to leave for vacations at the same time (I was right), but that they would have a bit of malasakit to leave kahit two lang behind to help me out (wrong, wrong, wrong). They did it last summer, and they'll do it again this Christmas. They go on vacay, while I go insane.
BUT, I have a back up plan. Plan B is to ask my mom to send over someone from her household to, you know, save her daughter from insanity. Like how we did it last summer, when she sent two. But one had to go home immediately because, uh.. she needed to make sure my mom's dogs are doing well. So she upped and left, and left me with a newbie. Let's save that story for a different post.
What is plan A?
Plan A is for me to savor this (house)helpless time with the kids - to enjoy every second of the chaos and the mess, to bond with them over nonstop Sofia the First marathons or Full House episodes, and to answer their never ending questions about life and religion and who is the more loveable child. And I plan to do this - alone.
- Look at her. Doesn't she look dazed and confused? Probably how I will look like in about three weeks. Yes, I will be cleaning our house in a Sofia the First costume.
Can you see it happening? I can!
And I'm terrified.

And I don't know what is going on and why my logical reasoning isn't working. But this is the plan I'm leaning towards. A big part of me wants to maybe prove to myself that I can do this - I'm a SUPERMOM. The other part is in denial. When I try to bring it down to reality, it feeds me with visions of myself cooking dinner while my eldest plays with the baby,and the middle one quietly engrossed with some artwork or book. With a catchy Christmas song going on at the background. For two weeks. This is the same part that thought the ates will have malasakit for me and leave two behind. Medyo slow ang learning curve ko eh.
So, wish me luck! And keep me sane by sharing your horror stories of your househelp issues. Just so I'd feel better that I went with plan A instead of the convenient plan B.
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