Friday, October 22, 2010

Entering the 18th week

I'm almost halfway through my pregnancy!!!

I keep telling Mike that this is the last pregnancy, that I don't care if it's a boy or girl.

Then the other day, I felt the baby move for the first time. And I seem to have forgotten all the projectile vomitting I did weeks ago. I love that feeling - of knowing that only the baby and I are aware of each other's movements. And I suddenly am okay with being pregnant again. HARHARHAR. I told Liza to slap me sensible when this time comes. So I'm giving her permission now.

So how am I doing so far?

I still have the bitter taste in my mouth, and I think it will be there until hours after I give birth. It was that way with Chloe, although that time, the taste wasn't as horrible as it is now.

I'm still throwing up. It comes and goes. So today I'm okay, but tonight I might be stuck in our CR having one of my sessions. :( I wonder when it will pass?

My boobs have gone up a size, much to my hubby's delight. :D Sometimes, I feel like I have pebbles inside - ang sakit sakit!!

Everyone who has seen me says my tummy is small for the baby's gestational age. I'm not worried. I think I will balloon up in a few weeks or so.

I love tomatoes!!! I love pizza!! I love Alfredo's steak! (I just don't like smelling the scent of meat searing on the sizzling plate while gravy is poured on it.) I love super super sour sinigang. I love paella negra.

I am super grateful for the people who sent food over to our house - just because I was craving for it.

Vivian - for buying carrot cake
Wenya - for baking carrot cake
Liza - for the sweet custard cake
MIL - for cooking sour soup! And for sending sinigang!!
MY MOM - for buying sinigang - the sourest ever
Ahya Peter & Minda - sending sinigang over (and the best ever sinampalukang manok!)
Audrey - for remembering me whenever they eat out at Bagoong Club. BC has the sourest and saltiest sinigang!! SARAP!
Val - for her input on the best pizzas!!

Yegads. I'm drooling just typing this post.