We celebrated by going out to dinner at Sofitel's Spiral. Other people would balk at the thought of spending a romantic evening stuffing themselves full (yes, I mean you Liza :)). But since we looooove to eat, and we looooove buffets, and it would only be the two of us (no Chloe), it was an evening we both looked forward to.
During dinner, I cannot remember how many times I told Mike how differently I felt, not having to look after Chloe, or run around the place going after her. For the first time in weeks, I felt like a dignified adult. :) Well, it is hard to look dignified when you're running around in heels catching a toddler, or when you're feeding your baby with a spoon, and she pushes your hand away, causing the food to fall on your brand new shirt. It was a relief to be spending our anniversary with just the two of us. Don't get us wrong. We love our daughter very much. Just that sometimes, we need time for ourselves too.
So for that one evening, we talked about ourselves, reminisced about the past, talked about our plans, what we wanted, how we felt. In short, it was really a night spent just talking... something we haven't done for quite a long time now. And something I'd like to do again sometime soon. (HINT HONEY... HINT!!!)
No pictures taken of the food. We were too busy ooohing and aaahing the food selections. Sadly, the food was disappointing. Quality wasn't good. But, since it was our anniversary dinner, we will overlook those things and remember what it is that stood out -- the chocolate gelato. Ummmm... YUMMY!!! We did try to ask the brand of gelato they carried, but we were politely rebuffed. :)
Happy 4th honey!

In our excitement, we forgot to bring a camera. So it was a camphone shot for our anniv date :(