Hale and Cueshe in Metro!
I'm embarassed to say that I didn't know who they were until I saw them in concert. I know their songs, but I couldn't distinguish between the two. The "concert" started around 10:30pm and ended at 2:30am. I say "concert" because it was a comedy show with the two bands in it. I actually didn't think that I'd enjoy myself so much in the show. It helped that we had front row seats. It also helped that Raymond told the comedians not to heckle our group. So it was a lot of fun watching how other people reacted when they were singled out for the verbal insults. :D
Bora was actually unplanned. It was only finalized two days before we were scheduled to leave. I seem to be taking more and more vacations with my friends. A last hurrah before tying the knot.
Being the O.C.person that I am, I surfed the net on the best restos in Bora. Absent-minded me forgot to bring the list with me. Thankfully, most of the restaurants' names were familiar. I walked all the way to station 1 in search of Jonah's famous shakes. When I entered the restaurant, I plopped myself on their chair, and asked for their best selling shake. "Choco banana peanut," the waitress said. Or banana-choco-peanut ata? Yummmmy...
Look Ma! No glue! On the coconuts that is.
The Tight-anic!
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